Digital Renaissance
Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the best known people who lived during the Renaissance.
Da Vinci, physician, architect, engineer, mujid, mathematician, astronomer, anatomist, musician, sculptor, botanist, geologist, cartographer, writer and painter, living in the Renaissance period.
He is a person who has performed more than 12 professions with today’s definition in his 67 years of life.
To understand this situation, let’s go on a historical journey.
In the Middle Ages, people who escaped from the pressure of the feudal lords founded the towns. At that time, he had to have people’s craft in order to escape. So the craftsmen escaped.
After a while, the overlords weakened due to the shortage of resources, and technological developments such as the steam engine left the products of the craftsmen to the factories with the industrial revolution.
Factories aimed to produce a large number of products they produced for consumer societies.
By promising urban life to the craftsmen who fled to the towns, the former overlords, who had accumulated capital, gave them machines as their bosses and began to use their labor.
Education systems began to specialize. Now, basic sciences such as Physics and Mathematics have specialized and created the education systems that would work in the standard factory of the 19th and 20th century.
The education system created people’s own belief systems and value judgments. After a while, their bosses were richer, and the employees lived their lives in prison, the wealth they had taken by working all their lives.
Their way of thinking made them create their own prisons and live inside them.
The more they consumed, the happier they were. They feared more power now and were intimidated. Once again they learned to learn obedience and worship power. Learned helplessness had spread throughout the cells.
The people created by the 19th and 20th century education system were even more desperate now. It was time to consume them and put their time on television.
Until the information revolution comes. Now, thanks to the internet, they can find every information more easily. The classes they called white collar were starting to do more value-added work.
Like the artisans who left their feudal lords, they were leaving the structure of the industrial revolution and moving to technoparks and silicon valleys. In a sense, they were running.
When they realized that they could no longer be bigger with sugar water, vehicles, white goods for the bosses of the industrial revolution, they had to allocate their funds to these talented young people. However, they were not the ones who wanted the current system to continue.
But Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zukerberg, Larry Page were now the rulers of the new world.
However, there was another problem. How would these capabilities and startups run for themselves.
The answer to the question came soon after. How they made craftsmen workers in the industrial revolution. He would give them the machines and evaluate their output themselves.
They had to do just like them, and now set up Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and so they did. Now startups were working for them.
They got the title of the richest person in the world. Jezz Bezos and Bill Gates.
But his copy in China also had to be made, and by doing that, Jack Ma was named the richest man in China.
So what would the education system be? People who grew up with the 19th and 20th century education system were like the dinosaurs of the new age.
Many talented young people from India, Chinese, Iranian, Pakistani, and Turks filled the Silicon Valley and they were the new slaves of the area.
Because they had forgotten that they were craftsmen, art and philosophy, especially they were made to forget.
Today, our education systems, working systems, thinking systems are on the verge of a digital renaissance.
Nowadays, we are trying to raise people who know T-shaped people, who know everything, something of everything.
Is it enough? Is it possible to do this without changing thought systems?
Yes, the whole issue comes from changing, and in our thinking patterns, leaving everything to expertise, it is not from people who take shelter in boxes that do one thing and are drowned in positions, but to create people who try different things, learn, choose lifelong learning, free from stereotypes and value judgments.
Here are the communities that are trying to create these people what they call startup culture. Of course, by changing the order, the craftsmen of the new age, software developers are now trying to focus on creating value, as medieval craftsmen and craftsmen thought.
In the Ahi organization, as in the chambers of tradesmen and craftsmen, the knowledge workers of the new age taste craftsmanship under the name of entrepreneurship.
Like Lenodardo Da Vinci, they now have 12 professions. Accountant, business developer, marketer, vendor, software developer, tester, customer service, purchasing are indispensable for their businesses to keep their businesses alive.
However, they also need the culture that holds them together. Now, they are trying business networks in their evening meetup.